赤木 舞 Mai Akagi, Ph.D.
在学中より、アメリカにてソロリサイタル、室内楽等の演奏活動を行い、99年にはニューヨーク・カーネギーホールにてソロ演奏を行う。これまでに、アーカディ音楽祭、アスペン音楽祭(アメリカ・コロラド州)、ホーランド・ミュージックセッション(オランダ)等の音楽祭に参加、演奏会に多数出演。日本音楽教育連盟オーディション入賞。また、すみだトリフォニーホールにて帰国記念ソロリサイタルを開催、好評を博す。2004年には中国四川省成都にてヴァイオリニストJenny Zhen氏と共に招聘演奏を行い、各紙に取りあげられる。これまでに、ピアノを入間裕子、中村悦子、笠原咸子、ベリー・スナイダー、ジョン・ペリー、オクサナ・ヤブロンスカヤ、ナターリア・アントノーバの各氏に師事。
Dr. Mai Akagi, a native of Osaka Japan, is a multi-talented artist who is a highly promising pianist and a scholar of arts management, active in various areas of music field.
Mai began her piano studies at the age of four. During her teens, she received awards from Kawai Piano competition and JPTA (Japan Piano Teachers Association) competition. She has also performed numerous concerts in Japan and the United States since her younger age. In 1993, Mai participated in a cultural forum between US and Japan, performing at the United Nation in New York City and was invited Arcady Music Festival in Maine. She has also performed Beethoven “Appassionata” in Carnegie hall in 1999 sponsored by the Music Center Japan. Mai received both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees with “Iwa Watanabe Prize” at the Eastman School of Music. There she studied piano under Berry Snyder, Natalia Antonova, and chamber music with Jean Barr. She has participated and performed in the Aspen Music Festival, Russian School, and Holland Music Sessions, studying with John Perry, Vitary Margulis, and Geogy Sandor.
In 2002, Mai moved to Tokyo and began to pursue additional studies Arts Management and Cultural Policy. She has received her Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Tokyo University of the Arts(Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku) with scholarship from Rohm Music Foundation. She has also successfully made her solo debut recital in Tokyo in 2003, a concert with Jenny Zhen in Chengdu, China in 2004, and Arcadia Piano Trio concert in 2004 and 2005.
Mai successfully balances an active performing career as a soloist and chamber musician with a teaching position at Musashino Academia Musicae (assosiate professor).